
South Tyrol Weather

Forecast for today, Thursday 27.02.2025

Lots of sunshine

General weather situation

High air pressure and dry air masses will determine the weather in South Tyrol.

Weather today

In the afternoon, it is sunny throughout the country. Towards the evening, a few clouds appear on the border with North Tyrol. Highest temperatures between 8° and 15°.

Mountain weather today

The sun is shining on the mountains and the visibility is perfect. Towards evening, a few thicker clouds appear again on the alpine crest. The strong northerly wind eases and turns to the west.

Forecast for tomorrow, Friday 28.02.2025

Mostly sunny

General weather situation

A westerly high-altitude current will temporarily bring in slightly more humid air masses.

Weather tomorrow

It will remain sunny across most of the region. As the day progresses, a few high cloud fields will move in from the south. Foehn winds, especially in the valleys in the north. After minimum temperatures of around zero degrees, values will rise to 7°/14°.

Mountain weather tomorrow

Mostly sunny conditions on the mountains. As the day progresses, a few high clouds will gather from the south.

Further development

Temporarily changeable on Saturday

Saturday will bring a mixture of sun and clouds. Isolated showers cannot be ruled out in the morning. On Sunday, sunshine will prevail again. Monday will continue with lots of sunshine and cloudless skies. There will also be plenty of sunshine on Tuesday. Temperatures will reach highs of up to 16°.


Temp. min. -5°/2°
Temp. max. 4°/14°

Temp. min. -8°/1°
Temp. max. 6°/14°

Temp. min. -7°/0°
Temp. max. 7°/15°