Very sunny
General weather situation
The influence of high pressure increases again and ensures a calm winter day.
Weather today
In the afternoon it will be very sunny with cloudless sky. The highest temperatures range from 0° to 9°.
Mountain weather today
The sun will shine on all mountains, with clear skies in the afternoon. A strong easterly wind is blowing in places.
General weather situation
A strong high over Central Europe.
Weather tomorrow
The sun will shine from a cloudless sky in the whole region. After a cold morning with lows between -12° and -2°, temperatures will rise to -1° and +8° in the afternoon.
Mountain weather tomorrow
Another bright and sunny day. The wind will blow strongly from the east at summit level.
Saturday sunny, Sunday cloudy
No substantial changes in weather conditions are expected on Saturday. Sunshine will dominate in the sky. On Sunday, the clouds will increase from the south and the sun will fade into the background as the day progresses. Monday will also be variably cloudy. Tuesday is expected to be sunnier again.