Sunny weather
General weather situation
High pressure conditions.
Weather today
The sun shines all day from an unclouded sky. In the afternoon it will be mild again with highs of 13° to 18°.
Mountain weather today
The mountain weather will remain sunny, with excellent visibility. Wind from South.
Lots of sun
General weather situation
High pressure conditions.
Weather tomorrow
The day is very sunny, with at most a few thin high clouds. After early morning temperatures between -5° and +3°, temperatures rise to between 13° and 18° by the afternoon.
Mountain weather tomorrow
Once again, the sun will shine all day long, with only thin, high clouds in the sky.
Changeable next week
Saturday will be mostly sunny with a few high clouds. Apart from localised high fog, Sunday will also start sunny. Clouds will increase as the day progresses. Monday will be very cloudy with widespread rain, especially in the morning. The snow line will be around 1000 m. The precipitation will become less frequent as the day progresses. Tuesday will be changeable, clouds will predominate and there may be some rain in places.